D.Point / creative agency logo

What we do

BRANDING // naming, visual identity, logo, book of standards

By creating a visually appealing story, we help brands to clearly communicate their values ​​through visual identity, and with that, ultimately, their brand evokes only positive emotions in consumers.

Because... a brand is an emotion.

PRINT DESIGN // books, catalogs, publications, billboards

We create visually appealing content in accordance with your wishes or with the personality of your brand. Don't forget, in the world of digital content, offline marketing is still an important part of marketing and an essential form of communication.

Because... paper has its own strength.

WEB DESIGN // websites, support

Websites must clearly communicate their purpose, whether they are informative, entertaining or sales pages. Web design is challenging, but that's why we love it. We approach each task from multiple perspectives and provide what the end user needs.

Because.. the web is your window.

EVENT DESIGN // visual identity of events, accompanying materials

Our task is to create a visual identity for your event and complement it with accompanying materials so that your event tells a unique story. From flyer design to banners of all sizes, we will ensure consistency in visual communication

Because.. visual consistency is everything.

SOCIAL NETWORKS // strategy setting, positioning, consulting and guidance, network management

The presence of your brand on social networks is still an essential part of business. We set effective strategies and choose networks and create attractive content in accordance with the set goals and the latest trends.

Because.. as they say, if it's not online - it didn't even happen?

COPY // content creation, selection and adaptation depending on the platform and target group, blog, advertising

Behind every good content are hours of research, analysis and searching for the right words. We create texts for digital as well as traditional media, creating attention-grabbing messages that clearly communicate purpose. We create content that knows how to reach the target audience.

Because.. the right word finds its way.

Work process

Visual identity design involves creating a comprehensive visual image of a brand to consistently communicate its values, personality and mission. The visual identity design process usually includes the following steps:

However, throughout the above process and steps, cooperation and communication with the client are the key. Only with high-quality, productive and open two-way communication, the visual identity will achieve its purpose - it will convey the desired message and communicate brand values.